
Potential and realized distribution at 30m for 16 forest tree species in Europe for 2000 – 2020



Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


January 18, 2022

Publication date

Probability and uncertainty maps showing the potential and realized distribution for 16 forest tree species for Europe.

The following species have been modeled:

  • Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.)
  • Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.)
  • Common hazel (Corylus avellana L.),
  • European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.),
  • Olive tree (Olea europaea L.),
  • Norway spruce (Picea abies L. H. Karst.),
  • Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.),
  • Austrian pine (Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold),
  • Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.),
  • Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.),
  • Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.),
  • Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.),
  • Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.),
  • Common oak (Quercus robur L.),
  • Cork oak (Quercus suber L.),
  • Goat willow (Salix caprea L.).

Files are named according to the following naming convention, e.g:

  • veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2000..2002_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2

with the following fields:

  • theme: e.g. veg,
  • species code: e.g. abies.alba,
  • species distribution type: e.g. anv (= actual natural vegetation),
  • species estimation method: e.g. eml,
  • species estimation type: e.g. md ( = model deviation),
  • resolution in meters e.g. 30m,
  • reference depths (vertical dimension): e.g. 0..0cm,
  • reference period begin end: e.g. 2000..2002,
  • reference area: e.g. eumap,
  • coordinate system: e.g. epsg3035,
  • data set version: e.g. v0.2.

For each species is then easy to identify probability and uncertainty distribution maps:

  • veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md: model uncertainty for realized distribution
  • veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_p: probability for realized distribution
  • veg_abies.alba_pnv.eml_md: model uncertainty for potential distribution
  • veg_abies.alba_pnv.eml_p: probability for potential distribution

Code on structure and applications of the dataset is available on GitLab

European coverage, 30m resolution, Cloud Optimized Geotiff, https download


Example for Silver fir:

Bonannella, Carmelo, Hengl, Tomislav, Heisig, Johannes, Leal Parente, Leandro, Wright, Marvin, Herold, Martin, & de Bruin, Sytze. (2022). Potential and realized distribution at 30m for Silver fir (Abies alba) in Europe for 2000 - 2020 [Data set]. Zenodo.

The datasets can be accessed on Zenodo. Check the Related identifiers section on the right to access the individual species.


#### Create folder for the project, download files from Zenodo ####

dir.create(paste0(getwd(), "/veg_mapping/"))
setwd(paste0(getwd(), "/veg_mapping/"))

## Download repository for 1 species (Preview + styling files + Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs)
## Example for silver fir (Abies alba)
## Download files in parallel, each process will download one file. 

    parallel = TRUE)

files = list.files("veg_mapping")
# 23
# [1] "00-preview_abies.alba.png"                                               "veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2000..2002_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.qml"
# [3] "veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2000..2002_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.sld" "veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2000..2002_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif"
# [5] "veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2002..2006_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif" "veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2006..2010_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif"

# class       : SpatRaster 
# dimensions  : 150000, 167000, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
# resolution  : 30, 30  (x, y)
# extent      : 1530000, 6540000, 930010, 5430010  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
# coord. ref. : +proj=laea +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4321000 +y_0=3210000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs 
# source      : veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2000..2002_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif 
# name        : veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_~2000..2002_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2[,c(1,4)]
# 00-preview_abies.alba.png                                                  1790894 2022-01-18 15:48:10
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2000..2002_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.qml       2964 2022-01-18 15:47:27
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2000..2002_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.sld       1344 2022-01-18 15:47:27
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2000..2002_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif 3337348271 2022-01-18 15:49:37
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2002..2006_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif 3087667187 2022-01-18 15:51:02
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2006..2010_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif 2617832105 2022-01-18 15:52:12
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2010..2014_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif 2000398691 2022-01-18 15:53:10
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2014..2018_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif 2243460901 2022-01-18 15:54:15
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2018..2020_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif 2643211483 2022-01-18 15:55:31
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_p_30m_0..0cm_2000..2002_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.qml        2970 2022-01-18 15:47:27
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_p_30m_0..0cm_2000..2002_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.sld        1272 2022-01-18 15:47:27
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_p_30m_0..0cm_2000..2002_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif  2770891799 2022-01-18 15:56:44
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_p_30m_0..0cm_2002..2006_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif  2377410035 2022-01-18 15:57:49
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_p_30m_0..0cm_2006..2010_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif  1961266234 2022-01-18 15:58:40
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_p_30m_0..0cm_2010..2014_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif  1290093080 2022-01-18 15:59:13
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_p_30m_0..0cm_2014..2018_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif  1536497234 2022-01-18 15:59:51
# veg_abies.alba_anv.eml_p_30m_0..0cm_2018..2020_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif  2021432453 2022-01-18 16:00:40
# veg_abies.alba_pnv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2018..2020_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.qml       2964 2022-01-18 15:47:27
# veg_abies.alba_pnv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2018..2020_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.sld       1344 2022-01-18 15:47:27
# veg_abies.alba_pnv.eml_md_30m_0..0cm_2018..2020_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif 3026872906 2022-01-18 16:01:52
# veg_abies.alba_pnv.eml_p_30m_0..0cm_2018..2020_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.qml        2970 2022-01-18 15:47:27
# veg_abies.alba_pnv.eml_p_30m_0..0cm_2018..2020_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.sld        1272 2022-01-18 15:47:27
# veg_abies.alba_pnv.eml_p_30m_0..0cm_2018..2020_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif  2123167108 2022-01-18 16:02:45
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