OpenDataScience Europe Workshop was a 5-day hybrid event with 16 training sessions for processing data cubes and using machine learning in Open Source, followed by 3 days of conference talks by leading European experts and researchers discussing challenges and opportunities for “Spatiotemporal modelling of European Landscapes and Climate 2000–2020: using EO and Machine Learning“.
The Geo-harmonizer project is delivering a number of novel technologies and value-added EU and global data sets to help network national agencies and increase usability of geospatial data products for decision making. The project consortium is organizing an open Workshop to discuss issues with preparing and using Earth Observation and Machine Learning technologies for harmonizing spatial data and mapping and monitoring landscapes and climate.

Our training sessions
OpenGeoHub recorded more than 50 videos, lecturers featuring leading experts and researchers in Open Data Science
OpenGeoHub recorded more than 50 videos, lecturers featuring leading experts and researchers in Open Data Science