Publication date
Probability and uncertainty maps of 43 CORINE land use / land cover classes in Europe, namely:
- 111 - Continuous urban fabric;
- 112 - Discontinuous urban fabric;
- 121 - Industrial or commercial units;
- 122 - Road and rail networks and associated land;
- 123 - Port areas;
- 124 - Airports;
- 131 - Mineral extraction sites;
- 132 - Dump sites;
- 133 - Construction sites;
- 141 - Green urban areas;
- 142 - Sport and leisure facilities;
- 211 - Non-irrigated arable land;
- 212 - Permanently irrigated arable land;
- 213 - Rice fields;
- 221 - Vineyards;
- 222 - Fruit trees and berry plantations;
- 223 - Olive groves;
- 231 - Pastures;
- 241 - Annual crops associated with permanent crops;
- 242 - Complex cultivation patter;
- 243 - Land principally occupied by agriculture with significant areas of natural vegetation;
- 244 - Agro-forestry areas;
- 311 - Broad-leaved forest;
- 312 - Coniferous forest;
- 313 - Mixed forest;
- 321 - Natural grasslands;
- 322 - Moors and heathland;
- 323 - Sclerophyllous vegetation;
- 324 - Transitional woodland-shrub;
- 331 - Beaches, dunes, sand;
- 332 - Bare rocks;
- 333 - Sparsely vegetated areas;
- 334 - Burnt areas;
- 335 - Glaciers and perpetual snow;
- 411 - Inland marshes;
- 412 - Peat bogs;
- 421 - Salt marshes;
- 422 - Salines;
- 423 - Intertidal flats;
- 511 - Water courses;
- 512 - Water bodies;
- 521 - Coastal lagoons;
- 522 - Estuaries.
Files are named according to the following naming convention, e.g:
- lcv_landcover.111_lucas.corine.eml_p_30m_0..0cm_2020_eumap_epsg3035_v0.2.tif
with the following fields:
- theme: e.g. lcv,
- land use / land cover class: e.g. landcover.111,
- estimation method: e.g. lucas.corine.eml,
- variable type: e.g. p ( = class probability),
- resolution in meters e.g. 30m,
- reference depths (vertical dimension): e.g. 0..0cm,
- reference period: e.g. 2020,
- reference area: e.g. eumap,
- coordinate system: e.g. epsg3035,
- data set version: e.g. v0.2.
This naming convention makes it easy to identify the file names of probability and uncertainty maps for each land use / land cover class:
- lcv_landcover.111_lucas.corine.eml_p: Probability of class 111: Continuous Urban Fabric
- lcv_landcover.311_lucas.corine.eml_md: Model Disagreement of class 311: Broad-leaved forest
Code on structure and applications of the dataset is available on GitLab
European coverage, 30m resolution, Cloud Optimized Geotiff, https download
Witjes, Martijn; Parente, Leandro; van Diemen, Chris; Hengl, Tomislav; Landa, Martin; Brodský, Lukáš; Halounova, Lena; Križan, Josip; Antonić, Luka; Ilie, Codrina Maria; Craciunescu, Vasile; Kilibarda, Milan; Antonijevic Ognjen & Glusica, Luka. (2022). Continental Europe land cover mapping at 30m resolution based on CORINE and LUCAS samples [Data set]. Zenodo.
The datasets can be accessed on Zenodo. Check the Related identifiers section on the right to access the individual classes.
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# Metadata:
# 1=111 - Urban fabric
# 10=212 - Permanently irrigated arable land
# 11=213 - Rice fields
# 12=221 - Vineyards
# 13=222 - Fruit trees and berry plantations
# 14=223 - Olive groves
# 15=231 - Pastures
# 16=311 - Broad-leaved forest
# 17=312 - Coniferous forest
# 18=321 - Natural grasslands
# 19=322 - Moors and heathland
# 2=122 - Road and rail networks and associated land
# 20=323 - Sclerophyllous vegetation
# 21=324 - Transitional woodland-shrub
# 22=331 - Beaches, dunes, sands
# 23=332 - Bare rocks
# 24=333 - Sparsely vegetated areas
# 25=334 - Burnt areas
# 26=335 - Glaciers and perpetual snow
# 27=411 - Inland wetlands
# 28=421 - Maritime wetlands
# 29=511 - Water courses
# 3=123 - Port areas
# 30=512 - Water bodies
# 31=521 - Coastal lagoons
# 32=522 - Estuaries
# 33=523 - Sea and ocean
# 4=124 - Airports
# 5=131 - Mineral extraction sites
# 6=132 - Dump sites
# 7=133 - Construction sites
# 8=141 - Green urban areas
# 9=211 - Non-irrigated arable land
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