OGH Summer School Wageningen 2020

Wageningen International Conference Center Wageningen International Conference Center, Wageningen, Netherlands

The OpenGeoHub 2020 Summer School aims at bringing together the leading FOSS4G and R spatial developers (i.e. actual people involved in developing, documenting and...

GEOSTAT Summer School 2018

Zámek 1, 252 43 Průhonice, Czechia Zámek 1, 252 43 Průhonice, Czechia, Czech Republic

The IBOT, Prague 2018 Summer School (Sunday, August 19, 2018 to Saturday, August 25, 2018) is the 13th in a series of summer schools organized...

Summer School 2021


The 2021 event took place from 1st to 3rd of September virtually, with all training sessions being broadcasted live on Zoom, giving everyone the...

Open Data Science Europe Workshop

Wageningen International Conference Center Wageningen International Conference Center, Wageningen, Netherlands

The Open Data Science Europe Workshop will be held at the Wageningen International Conference Center (WICC). Abstract submission deadline: 1st of May 2021 Registration deadline: 1st of July 2021...

Geo-Hamonizer Christmas Party


The Geo-harmonizer consortium is organizing the Geo-Harmonizer Christmas Party on Wednesday 22nd December, from 4 - 6 PM (CET) to celebrate the end of the year and the achievements of our project in 2021.

Biodiversity: how big is our global biodiversity debt and what can we do about it?


We have only a few decades to reverse the negative trends and start valuing biodiversity realistically. i.e. using financial damages and risks also affecting the next generations. But how to measure biodiversity and what is our global biodiversity debt? How much can we learn from the further and closer past? Two biodiversity scientists from the University of Amsterdam and Leiden join us to discuss their discoveries with modelling species dynamics through time using historic data and biogeography.


MOOD Science Webinars


Every last Wednesday of the month, as part of the EU-H2020 MOOD communication and dissemination activities, OpenGeoHub hosts a series of science webinars inviting two leading experts to share their research work on disease surveillance and modelling in data science, the impact of global warming on disease outbreaks, and the building of one-health systems across Europe and the world. With the MOOD science webinars, we aim at bringing the leading scientists and professionals in the field to discuss important recent discoveries and discuss implications of their work.

2022 Living Planet Symposium

World Conference Center Bonn Platz d. Vereinten Nationen 2, Bonn, Germany

the European Space Agency’s 2022 Living Planet Symposium focuses on how Earth observation contributes to science and society, and how disruptive technologies and actors are changing the traditional Earth observation landscape, which is also creating new opportunities for public and private sector interactions.

OpenDataScience Europe Workshop 2022

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University Thákurova 7, Praha 6,, Prague, Czech Republic

The workshop is part of the activities within the framework of Geo-harmonizer: EU-wide automated mapping system for harmonization of Open Data based on FOSS4G...
