OpenGeoHub Summer School Poznan 2023

Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan – Faculty of Geographical and Geological Science Bogumiła Krygowskiego 10, Poznań, Poland

Summer School 2023: “Processing and visualizing large geospatial data using R, Python and Julia” OpenGeoHub Summer School is an annual event that has been...

Discussion Forum

Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan – Faculty of Geographical and Geological Science Bogumiła Krygowskiego 10, Poznań, Poland

What can R, Python, and Julia development communities do to combat the climate crisis? Let's explore solutions, together with leading experts in each programming...

Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop 2023

Eurac Research Institute fo Earth Observation Viale Druso Drususallee, 1, Bolzano, Autonomous Province of Bolzano – South Tyrol, Italy

Organized by OpenGeoHub foundation in collaboration with Eurac Research, the Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop 2023 will bring together European and global actors in the field of open-source Earth...

Soil Health Now!

Wageningen International Conference Center Wageningen International Conference Center, Wageningen, Netherlands

A 3-day international conference with keynotes, discussion forums, oral talks, workshops and demonstrations + fieldwork: science, technology and business intelligence for measuring monitoring and increasing soil...

Summer School 2025

Wageningen International Conference Center Wageningen International Conference Center, Wageningen, Netherlands

OpenGeoHub Summer School is an annual event that has been running at various locations in Europe, North America, and Australia since 2010, inviting researchers...

OEMC Global Workshop 2025

Department of Geoinformatics, Belgrad University , Serbia

The Open-Earth-Monitor — Global Workshop 2025 “Open EO data and open source software as a foundation for monitoring the European Green Deal”, the 4th...