
Sentinel-5P Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Density at 2 km from 2018-05 to 2022-11 Monthly Aggregation





Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Publication date

December 20th, 2022

Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Density monthly median value May 2018 – November 2022. Derived using the eumap package in Python. We derived three standard statistics: (1) 10th percentile (p10), median (m), and 90th percentile (p10). Scale is 0.1. Antarctica is not included.

All files internally compressed using "COMPRESS=DEFLATE" creation option in GDAL in Cloud Optimised GeoTiff (COG).

File naming convention:

  • no2 = variable: nitrogen dioxide (µmol m-2),
  • s5p.l3.trop.tmwm= determination method: Copernicus Sentinel-5P product, level 3, tropospheric, temporal moving window median
  • p10/p50/p90 = aggregation/statistics method: 10th/50th/90th percentile,
  • 2km = spatial resolution / block support: 2 km,
  • a = vertical reference: above ground,
  • start date_end date (i.e. 20180501_20180531) = time reference: from start date to end date
  • go = bounding box: global land without Antarctica
  • epsg.4326 = ESPG code: epsg.4326
  • v20221219 = version code: creation date 20221219

For more info about the s5p NO2 product see: Copernicus Sentinel-5P Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide

Global coverage, 2km resolution, Cloud Optimized Geotiff


Yu Feng Ho, Tomislav Hengl, & Leandro Parente. (2022). Sentinel-5P Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Density at 2 km from 2018-05 to 2022-11 Monthly Aggregation (Version 1) [Data set]. Zenodo.

The datasets can be accessed on Zenodo

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