
GEOSTAT Naples 2007

SUMMARY: Hands-on geostatistics “Merging GIS and Spatial Statistics” was a training course held at Facolta di Agraria in Napoli in period 29.01-03.02.2007 under auspices of the Commission 1.5 Pedometrics of the IUSS, University of Napoli (SISS, SIPE), and the Institute for Environment (Joint Research Centre). It was an intensive 5-days course with balanced combination of theoretical and practical training, aimed at helping young researcher find their way in the combined used of GIS and geostatistical tools. It gathered 30 PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and specialists from various European universities and research organizations. The course focused on use of remote sensing-based and DEM-based predictors for improving prediction of soil variables. In addition, the lecturers (Hengl T, Pebesma E. and Olaya V.) provided training in five software packages: ILWIS, SAGA, R, GSTAT and GoogleEarth. In this report, you can find more background information about the course, how was it designed and what were its main outputs.