Lenka Danilovic
At OpenGeoHub, Lenka will research the required digital infrastructure needed for communication and interpretation of ecosystem services in arid regions of the US. This will be a part of the Open Earth Monitor Cyberinfrastructure project, where implementation of such infrastructure will be applied broadly. The four-month internship will entail the implementation of Keyline design for sustainable use of water and sediment resources in vulnerable regions, using QGIS tools. In addition, Lenka will be evaluating already existing models for ecosystem service valuation, such as the InVEST that could be used for the application of Keyline design. Ultimately, her research will focus on making interpretable data for analyzing flood and drought risk in highly variable and dynamic dryland systems.
- Education
- Appointments
- 2021-present - MSc Earth and Environment - spec. Hydrology and Water Resources
- 2018-2021 - BSc Soil, Water, Atmosphere
- 2023- present - Studium Generale Advisory board
- 2022 - Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) coordinator
- 2021 - Programme team, developing a course Personal Development Path
- 2018-2021 - Several student assistant jobs in BSc courses
“Humanity is OK, but 99% of people are boring idiots.” ― Slavoj Žižek