Remote Sensing and Spatial Modelling Research Group -
Institute of Landscape Ecology - University of Münster
Prof. Dr. Hanna Meyer
Topics: Remote sensing of the environment, spatial and spatio-temporal machine learning applications, R packages for spatial predictive modelling, hyperspectral data analysis.
Hanna is a professor for Remote Sensing and Spatial Modelling, at the Institute of Landscape Ecology at the University of Münster. She won the Spatial Prediction Competition Game at GEOSTAT 2014 in Bergen, and has since also joined OpenGeoHub as a lecturer in the Summer Schools.
- PhD, Philipps-Universität Marburg (physical geography)
- MSc, Philipps-Universität Marburg (physical geography)
At the moment I am really excited about improving machine learning algorithms for spatial and spatiotemporal data. There are still a lot of improvements that need to be done here.