OpenGeoHub works closely with numerous partner organizations including companies.

EnvirometriX Ltd
Research, Innovation and Consultancy, AgroBusiness Park 10 (unit 1.05), 6708 PW Wageningen, the Netherlands
EnvirometriX Ltd is based in Wageningen is closely linked with OpenGeoHub and acts as sponsor of events / supports OpenGeoHub with computing and hosting facilities and infrastructure.

Web-mapping and data services, Ruzveltova 1a, Belgrade, Serbia
GILab D.O.O., Beograd-Palilula is OpenGeoHub’s dedicated partner for developing front- and back-end solutions (web-mapping and data services).

Spatial Ecology and Margosa Environmental Solutions
Training in open-source software for geospatial data processing, Meaderville House, Wheal Buller, Redruth, Cornwall TR16 6ST, U.K.
Spatial Ecology and Margosa Environmental Solutions have contributed number of global layers (DEM derivatives and hydrological parameters) to the